

It's been one of those days. One of those weeks. In the throws of a cold and an ear infection, days consist of wrapping up and eating soup. Today  I went out for a few hours before getting home and curling up until the mid afternoon: cosy in bed watching shitty christmas films. It's hard to find the motivation to do anything when it gets dark at 4 o'clock. There is only ever a few hours of light before the city is covered in a blanket of darkness. It feels like it rains everyday too. And not just a little bit, but full on storms that leave you clutching your umbrella with both hands whilst your socks saturate with water as if they had been freshly washed.
(first part written on saturday)

Yesterday was a really nice day. My friends and I caught a bus out of the city to the seven sister cliffs and we had a walk down on the beach and ate jammy dodgers. It was freezing cold, but much needed to get some fresh air. We stopped at a pub in the middle of nowhere and I had a glass of red wine, it made me feel suddenly quite nostalgic for my friends at home and dark winter evenings in countryside pubs.

I guess I this post is a check in for me to say hi I'm back, mercury is no longer in retrograde and uni is going ok. I think channeling my creativity into my course somewho limits my capacity to be creative in other means. I know that sounds like an excuse. I've been revelling in this indepence and creative freedom; balancing life with learning and a little bit of collaging in between. I've seriously been digging collage recently (you can see my art on my art ig @lexieartt.)
For now, I've just got back from yoga and I'm going to head into town to scavenge for some fake flowers before Molly gets here tomorrow to spice up my room a little bit. I'm also really keen to start a vlog but I'm scared people at uni will judge me.. We'll see maybe one day I will.

Have a good day all,



  1. aaaa i'd love to see a vlog from you! i'm also wanting to start one :)

    1. ooh when I pluck up the courage to, I shall let you know! I just saw your almost 27 birthday vlog. I loved it, cant wait to see more!! xo

  2. I'm so glad everything at uni is going okay- I totally get the whole lack of motivation because of the dark, it feels as if the day finishes so early and there's no more time to actually get things done ugh. Would looove to see vlogs! Hope to see you soon x <33


    1. I know, the dark is the absolute worst for killing motivation. Thank you Dalal, hope you're doing well and uni is all good! We need a catch up for sure xo

  3. my gal, this has such a nostalgic tone to it, so wintery!!! I've also been in the depths of a cold - doesnt it suck?? collaging is one of my favourite art forms, i rarely do it when i'm at uni but a few weeks ago we went to a collaging and cocktail night and boy was it lovely. I hope you've settled in ok, not long until christmas!!!!<3

    1. Ah it is cold season, it sucks so much! Omg a collage and cocktail night sounds incredible, what a dreamy night! Thank you, so not long! I hope you're well and pushing through these last few weeks. lots of love xo


thank you x