

Home is warmth. It is waking up in the mornings to the sound of food being made downstairs and people rushing around getting ready for the day.  It is the difference between going to sleep at 4am after drinking too much or having lavender baths, in bed by 10pm after reading my book.

January has been a funny month-isn't it always? It was uni deadlines, work and getting back to some sort of routine. I feel like I spend my days waiting for summer. Me and the cold don't get along, but it's nearly the end of January. And not to wish this month away, I can't wait for what the next month will bring.

It's been a hot minute since I did a post like this so here goes.

-deadlines handed in and days of not really doing anything
-wandering around London with Amy, nearly buying a pair of Vetements trackies and eating cake in the National History Museum, visiting the Tim Walker Exhibition too.
-my good friend Amrit coming to visit me, I haven't seen her in almost two years but nothing had changed
-new hair pamper things, shorter and a little bit blonder (kinda)
-going home to baths, red wine, good coffee and Death In Paradise
-good nights out with good friends- getting up on stage at donuts on a tuesday and handing out the actual donuts
-life drawing classes
-saturday coffee treats, exploring cute spots and trying to draw
-exercise classes with Fran
-meeting incredible artists at uni

-hand in stress
-breakdowns over if I should be here, if the course is right, is the time right
-spending my free days comparing myself to artists seemingly unable to unglue my phone from my hand
-body insecurities
-only 7/32 film photos coming out
-my lack of attention span

-cooking noodles from the £1 meals vegan recipe book- a game changer (thank you archie)
-drinking copious amounts of red wine
-butternut squash and cabbage curry, courtesy of Fran
-gregs vegan sausage rolls
-lots of oat milk lattes
- pain au chocolat


Babe Rainbow's new album

The Girl Who Saved The King of Sweden

-my new bag from HVISK I met someone in Aus with it but she didn't tell me the exact shop, then on one of my first nights out at uni I spot someone with it... January treats

-Little Women, nuff said
-Sex Education
-Mektoub, My love: Canto Uno


  1. I love your writing Lexi and the photos (!) - it seems like you have had a very eventful January and congrats about handing in all the deadlines. I hope the New Year is treating you well and have a wonderful February :) xx

    1. Ah thank you!! Hope you're having a good feb too! x x

  2. Loved this post, felt such a pang of nostalgia when you mentioned donuts (:"( first tuesday back in Brighton is going to be legendary I can feel it) - and ugh as always so relatable and beautifully written! Also you're an amazing artist on your own journey! :) Here's to Feb xx

    1. Ahh it will be for sure- a patterns night is always a good one!!Thank you Zoe, hope Feb is treating you well thus far! lots of love x x

  3. I love this post! What a nice way to recap january, lots of fun in february <3


thank you x