
what could have been

Whilst I'm very much enjoying the sun from my own back garden, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be travelling anyway anytime soon. What a luxury to have that as a problem? I've been furiously pinning photos of holidays and alfresco dining- imaging being in France or Spain or somewhere a few degrees warmer. Here are a few of my favourites. The vibe seems to be slow mornings, gold jewellery, blue jeans and covering your face with a film camera. 


  1. Replies
    1. They really inspire me at the moment! I will do thanks for visiting x

  2. We will soon be back to it :) Have no fear!

  3. oh I think this ruined me a little bit - that pic of the al fresco meal, what i'd do to be there after a cool shower and a day of sun !!!! it will come, it will come ! <3

    1. I knowww gah, that would be so dreamy! Eating fresh bread from a bakery and good coffee ahh. So excited for my first coffee out lol xx

  4. I know how you feel, Lexie. Someday, soon, we will be able to explore around our cities and different countries again. I hope you are doing well and feeling healthy!

    Hanna / Heydays With Hanna

  5. Love these summer vibes. Can't wait to hopefully travel again soon!



thank you x