
April Favourites

Hey guys this is just a short post of some things I loved last month.

1- I bought this Mac Mineralize powder back in February,but I really started to use it a lot last month. It's now replaced my Rimmel London Wake me up foundation. I much prefer wearing a powder because it feels a lot lighter. 
2- Net-a-Porter released their summer issue, although it's technically Spring (I think.) I got my hands on this in Sainsbury's for a £5- it was more expensive than Vogue! Nevertheless, it was 100% worth it for Gaga and all the brilliant editorials. 
3- I recently bought this watch from TopShop for £25, which is a really good price for what it is. So far it hasn't tarnished but, I'm sure it will. After all, it's not a Michael Kor's.
4- Finally, my sister gave me this Clinque chubby stick as a present for being a bridesmaid. It's in the shade Chunky Cherry and I always have it on me. It goes with everything. 
Hope you like this short post, what are some of your favourites from the past month? 
-Lexie xx


  1. Nice post of your April favourites! Xx


  2. Oh my gosh, I have that Clinique chubby stick and it is an absolute essential for my makeup bag now, regardless of where I am or what I'm doing! It just lasts forever and it is really easy to blend with other lipsticks to create different colours with depending on your look! :)

    *I follow bloggers back on twitter*


  3. Your watch is so nice, and I'd love to try that Mac powder.

    onacruz blog

  4. In my country (or maybe it's just the city I live in?), it's really difficult to find magazines as such, and the only ones I've been spotting are Nylon and Teen Vogue (outdated ones, by the way), but anyway, your April favorites can be my favorites too - I use the same powder and it's really great, considering I hate powder of any other kind, and that Clinique chubby stick seems universal and somehow neutral, so I'll go check it out when I get the chance xx


  5. Lovely favorites!
    I also have that Clinique chubby stick, its awesome! :)


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  7. Love your watch Lexie!
    I nominated you for the tumblr tag on my blog! xxx

  8. I'm not a real fan of Gaga, but I have to admit jeez she s so beautiful here, and her facial feature could change so d'asile With make up she's incredible.
    Thanks for your last comment on my blog my dear,
    Love from Paris.


  9. I want to try that mac powder so badly!!



thank you x